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Metrics Library

Metrics Library

The Metrics library is available to application code to get production metrics from their applications. It allows applications to easily mark critical section for metrics gathering, without handling the details with the Metrics Extension.

Table 38. Artifact

Group IDArtifact IDVersion





There are currently the following possibilities available;

  • @TimingCapture - capture timing on a single method
  • TimingCaptureAll - capture timing on all methods of a composite

Before looking at the details of these, we need to point out that there are some pre-conditions for Metrics to be working. First of all, you need to install a Metrics Extensions, most likely the Yammer Metrics Extension. See your chosen extension for details on how to do that.

Once the Metrics extension is installed, you will also need a suitable backend to gather all the data out of a production plant and likewise a good front-end to view this. See your chosen Metrics Extension for this as well.


There is a TimingCaptureAllConcern, which when added to a composite will install a Timer for every method call in the composite.


The @TimingCapture annotation can be placed on any method of the composite, to indicate that a Timer is wanted on that method.


public interface Router
    List<Coordinate> route( String source, String destination );

public class RouterAlgorithm1
    implements Router
    public List<Coordinate> route( String source, String destination )


public class RouterAlgorithm2
    implements Router
    public List<Coordinate> route( String source, String destination )



        public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module )
            throws AssemblyException
            module.addServices( Router.class ).identifiedBy( "router1" ).withMixins( RouterAlgorithm1.class );
            module.addServices( Router.class ).identifiedBy( "router2" ).withMixins( RouterAlgorithm2.class );


Which method?

It is valid to annotate either the composite interface methods or the mixin implementation methods. Any of the method declarations should work. From the testcases we have the following example;

public interface Country extends TransientComposite
    Property<String> name();

    void updateName( String newName );

@Mixins( Country1Mixin.class )
public interface Country1 extends Country


public static abstract class Country1Mixin
    implements Country1

    public void updateName( String newName )
        name().set( newName );

@Mixins( Country2Mixin.class )
public interface Country2 extends Country

public static abstract class Country2Mixin
    implements Country2

    public void updateName( String newName )
        name().set( newName );

@Mixins( Country3Mixin.class )
@Concerns( TimingCaptureConcern.class )
public interface Country3 extends Country

public static abstract class Country3Mixin
    implements Country3
    public void updateName( String newName )
        name().set( newName );