The Circuit Breaker library provides a way to guard your application against faulty external systems (e.g. mail servers being down, web services being down).
There’s a couple of differences between this implementation and others seen on the net, but we’ve also heavily borrowed from others. The first difference is that we’ve not focused on performance at all. For some reason other implementations make a point about doing "atomic changes" with various tricks, to ensure good performance. Since this is used to guard access to external systems, where latencies range in milliseconds and up, that seems completely useless, so we’ve just put "synchronized" on all methods, which should be safe. "It works" is better than "it’s fast" for these types of things.
Second, other implementations have had really crude logic for what types
of exceptions cause the circuit to break. The most crude is "all", more
advanced ones allow exceptions that be excepted to be registered, but in
real cases this is not enough. Case in point is JDBC exceptions where
you want to fail on "connect exception" but not necessarily "invalid SQL
syntax". So instead we’ve leveraged Predicate
you get to provide your own specification that can use any logic to
determine whether a particular exception is ok or not.
Third, there’s a big focus on manageability through JMX. A circuitbreaker can be easily exposed in JMX as an MBean, where you can track service levels and see exception messages, and trip/enable circuit breakers.
Fourth, if an external system is unavailable due to a circuitbreaker tripping it should be possible to expose this to other Polygene™ services. There is a standard implementation of the Availability interface that delegates to a circuit breaker and the Enabled configuration flag, which is what we’d suspect will be used in most cases where external systems are invoked.
Table 24. Artifact
Group ID | Artifact ID | Version |
org.apache.polygene.libraries | org.apache.polygene.library.circuitbreaker | 3.0.0 |
The CircuitBreaker can be used directly, even without using anything else from the Polygene™ SDK.
Here is a code snippet that demonstrate how to create a CircuitBreaker and how it behave:
// Create a CircuitBreaker with a threshold of 3, a 250ms timeout, allowing IllegalArgumentExceptions CircuitBreaker cb = new CircuitBreaker( 3, 250, IllegalArgumentException.class ) ); [...snip...] // Service levels goes down but does not cause a trip cb.throwable( new IOException() ); [...snip...] // Service level goes down and causes a trip cb.throwable( new IOException() ); cb.throwable( new IOException() ); [...snip...] // Turn on the CB again cb.turnOn(); [...snip...] // Service levels goes down and causes a trip cb.throwable( new IOException() ); cb.throwable( new IOException() ); cb.throwable( new IOException() ); [...snip...] // Wait until timeout [...snip...] // CircuitBreaker is back on
As a facility you can make your Services extends AbstractBreakOnThrowable
, set them a CircuitBreaker
during assembly and annotate methods with @BreaksCircuitOnThrowable
. Doing this will :
CircuitBreaker getCircuitBreaker()
) ;
Here is how to declare such a Service:
public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module ) throws AssemblyException { TestService.class ).setMetaInfo( new CircuitBreaker() ); } [...snip...] public interface TestService extends AbstractBreakOnThrowable, ServiceComposite { @BreaksCircuitOnThrowable int successfulMethod(); @BreaksCircuitOnThrowable void throwingMethod(); [...snip...] }
Remember to annotate methods which when they throw throwables should cause circuit breakers to trip and go back on
invocation success with the @BreaksCircuitOnThrowable
To expose their circuit breaker in JMX, your Services using one must implement the ServiceCircuitBreaker
Note that if you already extends AbstractBreakOnThrowable
you don’t need to do anything else as it already extends
Here is how it goes:
public void assemble( ModuleAssembly module ) throws AssemblyException { [...snip...] // JMX Library module.importedServices( MBeanServer.class ). importedBy( MBeanServerImporter.class ); // CircuitBreakers in JMX CircuitBreakerManagement.class ). instantiateOnStartup(); }
From the sources you can run the runCircuitBreakerSample
Gradle task to run a
simple interactive example. You’ll need a MBean client to connect to the
sample, VisualVM with its MBean plugin does the job. See Build System
if you need some guidance.