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Polygene™ Build System

Polygene™ Build System

This tutorial is intended for developers who want to build the Polygene™ SDK themselves. It describe the Polygene™ SDK Build System from compilation to publication of artifacts for consumption by other applications.

If instead you want to setup your project build system to depend on modules of the Polygene™ SDK see the dedicated tutorial.



All major Java IDEs have great Gradle support. Visit the Gradle website to learn how to import the Polygene™ SDK build into your favorite IDE.

Polygene™ community migrated away from Maven after several years of frustration, especially around release management, versioning and cross-module dependency resolution issues, in Feb 2011. The tool of choice is now Gradle, and it doesn’t require any installation, there are gradlew and gradlew.bat in the root folder of the Polygene™ SDK that will bootstrap Gradle if not done so already.

If you are new to Gradle, you should keep the documentation at hands.

Build System configuration is done through Gradle properties. This can be done in many ways, see Gradle properties and system properties.

The Wrapper

gradlew and gradlew.bat scripts that can be found at the root of the Polygene sources is The Wrapper. Any build invocation starts from this script. It will download the Gradle distribution version required by the build. See the Gradle Wrapper documentation for more details.

Main tasks

The Polygene™ SDK project has tasks that work with the whole SDK.

./gradlew downloadDependencies

Resolve, download and cache all needed dependencies. Useful to go offline.


The default build, triggered when running gradle without any command line arguments, compiles the code and run the tests, but nothing else. A quick way to check that nothing broke.

./gradlew clean

Clean up of all build output and restore the code base to a fresh state.

./gradlew assemble

Produces all the archives, javadocs, manuals and website content. Global output is generated into distributions/build.

./gradlew check

Run the tests and other checks like checkstyle. Global reports are generated in reports/build/reports.

./gradlew build

Equivalent to ./gradlew assemble check

./gradlew checkDistributions

Run global checks against the assembled distributions. Can take a while.

./gradlew install

Is roughly the same as Maven’s install goal. It produces the test reports, javadocs and installs all the Jars into the local disk repository, for consumption by other applications.

Other tasks

In addition to that, some submodules have specific tasks. To see all available tasks, issue the following command:

./gradlew tasks

All available tasks from all modules of the SDK are shown. If you want to narrow your exploration to submodules use the following:

./gradlew :test:performance:tasks
./gradlew :release:tasks

These examples will respectively output all gradle tasks available in the :tests:performance module where you should find the performanceTest task that runs the Polygene™ performance test suite and the :release module tasks.

tasks itself is a task, in the same way we can target module(s) with tasks, e.g.:

./gradlew :core:check :libraries:alarm:check


By default, the build system produces a "zero build". It means that there is no version assigned to the build, and a "0" is used in the produced artifacts. This is due to our disagreement (with Maven community) that the "next" version name/number is known prior to the release. This is in our opinion a delayed decision. To build a particular version, you specify a version property on the command-line, like

./gradlew -Dversion=2.0-FLAVOUR install

If a version property is not defined, the build system will refuse to make a release and upload. It will also try hard to do less and not get in your way.



See the Polygene™ Continuous Integration for current tests results

Unit and integration tests are located near the code under test. You’ll find theses tests across the whole SDK.

Unit tests requiring external services

Among unit tests, some require an external service to be run. For example, the Redis EntityStore extension requires an actual Redis server to run its tests.


The HTML test reports generated by Gradle shows skipped tests.

Testing against external services is automated using Docker and is enabled automatically if a running Docker service is reachable. The build creates the necessary Docker images and start/stop containers around the tests.

On Linux it should work out of the box.

The simplest way to get this running on other systems (macOS and Windows) is to use docker-machine to create a development Docker virtual machine where all images will be built and containers started:

docker-machine create dev
docker-machine start dev
eval $(docker-machine env dev)

The last stanza set environment variables for Docker to use the newly created Docker virtual machine.

If you want to run the Docker containers in a remote machine, simply set the DOCKER_HOST and DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variables to something sensible for your setup.

If you want to forcibly skip all Docker related work, set the skipDocker Gradle property by e.g. appending -PskipDocker to your Gradle command line.

Performance tests

Performance tests provide performance measurements for typical Polygene™ use cases. They are not part of the default build and are located in the tests/performance directory of the SDK.

They can be run with the following Gradle command:

./gradlew :tests:performance:performanceTest

Results will then be available in the test reports.

Documentation generation

The build generates a documentation minisite:

./gradlew :manual:assemble

Output is in ~/manual/build/docs/website.

You’ll need Asciidoc and docbook-xsl installed.

Build for releases


Remember that if a version property is not defined, the build system will refuse to make a release and upload.

The Polygene™ SDK build system is setup for an easy release process. This is very useful to the Polygene™ Core Team but can also be useful to third parties that want to cut a in-house release. In this regard, we try to make every aspect of the release process usable for such cases.

The following sections describe various aspects of the release process. By default you need to have a proper PGP setup, see below.

Release Criteria

The Polygene™ SDK modules are of varying maturity level and we try to maintain a STATUS (dev-status.xml) file indicating how good the codebase, documentation and unit tests are for each of the modules. This is highly subjective and potentially different individuals will judge this differently, but at least it gives a ballpark idea of the situation for our users.

The Polygene™ SDK build system use the values from the dev-status.xml files to filter out non-releasable modules out for the javadocs and uploadArchives root project tasks. Moreover, the release task ensure that no releasable module depends on module(s) that don’t fit the release criteria and throw a detailed exception if need be.

This can be relaxed by adding -x checkReleaseSpec arguments to gradle invocation.


Artifact signing is done using PGP. You need to provide Gradle the following properties, ~/.gradle/ is a good place:


You can skip the signing process by adding -x signArchives arguments to gradle invocation.

Artifact Upload

Artifact upload behavior depends on the version assigned to the build.

By default RELEASES are signed, SNAPSHOTS are not. Signing can be turned on or off by setting the uploadSigned property to false.

By default RELEASES must satisfy ReleaseSpecification, SNAPSHOT don’t. ReleaseSpecification usage can be turned on or off by setting the uploadReleaseSpec property to false.

By default RELEASES and SNAPHOTS are uploaded using HTTP. Used Wagon can be overriden by setting the uploadWagon property.

By default RELEASES and SNAPSHOTS are uploaded to the Apache Nexus. Target repository can be overriden by setting the uploadRepository property.

No username/password is provided by default. If needed set them using the uploadUsername and uploadPassword properties.

For example here is how to deploy all artifacts as unsigned SNAPSHOTs to a given repository:

./gradlew uploadArchives -Dversion=3.2.1-SNAPSHOT -PuploadReleaseSpec=false \
    -PuploadWagon=what:ever:wagon -PuploadRepository=http://what.ever.repository/url \
    -PuploadUsername=foo -PuploadPassword=bar

And here is how to deploy a signed release to the local filesystem:

./gradlew uploadArchives -Dversion=3.2.1 -PuploadRepository=file:///path/to/local/repository

See the Gradle documentation about supported protocols.